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The page that allows you to share your collection with other Petroliana aficionados
We welcome you to, upload your vintage gas pump, oil cans, porcelain sign collections through our contact tab. We will feature them on the collectors corner page

atlantic sign Chris L

cites service sign Chris L

hudson Chris L

phillips Chris L

legasse service station Chris L

supreme motor oil Chris L

Tokheim 850 Chris L

Legasse service station truck

Chris L collectors corner motif
Sent in from Chris L. Western N.Y.
Chris's Grandfather opened one of the early gas stations located in Western N.Y. Chris's Grandfather, a WWII Veteran hand built the original service station pictured below. The other pic are from Chris's private collection. I guess the service station bug runs deep in Chris's family.

Sent in from Eric VG. Indianapolis
Eric sent in this picture of a Starkey coin op pump that he just finished restoring. Great restoration Eric, and a real treat to see such a rare pump.

Heritage Park Historical Village
Dowler Karn Museum
Located in St Thomas, Ontario Canada

Mr. Beep The Talking Car
The Mr. Beep project which began circa 1950 was the brainchild of the British Petrolium (BP Oil Co). Mr. Beep the talking car was used to educate kids on traffic safety. The car was used for both PR and traffic safety lessons in schools, and community events such as: the (CNE) Canadian National Exhibition, fairs, and other various public events. Mr. Beep made a number of television appearances as well. Mr. Beep was primary use was in combination with police school safety programs. A brilliant marketing strategy employed by BP, which exposed the Canadian youth and future gas consumers to their product.
BP started off using a caricature car called Mr. Beep, in its Canadian advertising program in 1958, and sold plastic models of the car at their stations. In the summer of 1959, BP produced a full-scaled version of the car
The early life of the car consisted of traveling lectures promoting traffic safety with a police officer. The car would accompany the officer to schools across Ontario. The children would ask Mr. Beep the talking car question regarding traffic safety and Mr. Beep would respond to them via three speakers concealed in the car which was broadcast from a transmitter several hundred feet away. As the children asked questions an operator would respond to them, making it seem as if the car was answering them.
Mr. Beep with children on safety patrol at a local school located in Thorold Ontario Canada
Mr. Beep caricature, titled Parking lot patter - with "Mr. Beep"
Ron & Betty Toy Farm Tractor Collection Ontario Canada
If you have old photos, information or just a question about vintage gas pumps and or motorcycles we would love to hear from you. We would also like to discuss sharing your photos or memories with our readers.
If you are linked to a museum or club, we would love to discuss with you about helping your association, in exchange for any information or pictures, etc that we can share with our readers. In exchange we can offer you exposure to our high traffic website. We can also help in vintage gas pump or vintage motorcycle identification and value.
The Dowler-Karn Museum, ST Thomas, Ontario, Canada :
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